The Story of a Lychgate...

Just one thing to write about this month. We are so grateful to those who have responded to the appeal for funds towards the restoration of the lychgate at St Mary’s, Capel’s old parish church, and also to those who have made offers of practical help.

St Mary’s may not have always had a lychgate at the entrance to the churchyard. The one that we hope to save was given to the village by a Captain and Mrs Morris to celebrate their marriage in 1894. They originally provided shelter for funeral parties, who would wait there until the clergyman arrived and conducted the first part of the service under the lychgate. In some parts of the country it was customary for newly married couples to leave church only to find the lychgate closed by local children, and the couple would pay to be allowed to pass.

I cannot be certain whether or not these customs have been kept at St Mary’s over the past 125 years – perhaps there are some reading this who may have some stories to tell, and if so I would love to hear them! One thing, however, is certain – for many people, St Mary’s without its lychgate would just not be the same.

We have made a start, but still have a long way to go. We hope that over the next few months, with your help, we shall succeed in raising the money required. A number of fund-raising events are being planned – a sponsored walk has been mentioned, and no doubt details will follow. In the meantime, thank you for your support.
